Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog Post #9 (but actually the 8th one)

My literacy narrative will be about my experiences with books and how much I loved to read when I was little. In order to share this story I will be telling my experiences from the beginning. Starting with the children's books my parents used to read to me, the books I learned to read with, my dad reading the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to me, staying up for hours with a flashlight to read the Harry Potter books over and over and over again, and wanting to read so bad during long car trips that I would get car sick and my parents would have to take the book away from me.


  1. Hi! This is Minori from DTC 355. I really like that you are going to create your literacy narrative sequentially. It will give viewers clear understandings. But, how are you going to share your story? For example, how are you going to show that your parents take the book away? Using pictures? Drawings?

  2. I agree with Minori, I too like the sequential idea. I think that you should use photography to show your story. You could have a picture of the children's books your parents used to read to you, an image of your dad reading the Hobbit and the LOTR books, you laying in bed with a flashlight reading the Harry Potter books, and you being in the car and your parents taking the book away from you. You might need to add in something else to make it at least 2 min, such as an introduction of you speaking or you could do stop motion of you writing. You may want to consider music as well, and will you be giving more in depth stories while you show photographs on the screen or you talking? You could even recreate the scene of your in the car and your parents taking the book away from you because you are getting sick!

  3. I love the descriptiveness in your narrative. The details of you and your dad reading will really draw the audience in. I agree with Minori, explain how you plan on visually displaying your narrative. Are you going to use pictures of video?

  4. your idea is pretty damn good, my only concern is how you will visually show what your experiences were. Showing the covers of the books could be a good addition.

  5. I like that you already have planned out what books that you want to include in your literacy narrative to make it personal. The only thing that you need to plan out from here is how you are going to tell your story to the audience.

  6. I like how you're focusing on a very precious memory with your literacy narrative. However you might want to include the term "linguistic mode" at some point to show that you are thinking about the terminology of the class.
