Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Usability Test Questions Feedback (Blog Post 11-2)

Without clicking anything, how do you feel about the structure of the page when you first get to my page? 

1. Structure is ver basic and easy to understand.
2. I like the fact that it is clean and simple.
3. I like how the first page is simple and that I can see every tab.

How many clicks does it take to get to my Project 2?
1. 2
2. 2
3. 2

What do you think is the best feature of the page?
 1. The class projects page is very organized.
2. It is very easy to navigate through.
3. Portfolio because it shows things that you have done outside of this class.

The worst?
1. The portfolio page because I could not understand the rhetorical situation.
2. Just add more to about your portfolio to make it clear as to what it's about.
3.Get rid of the "there may be a few problems" because it seems to work fine.
 How do you feel about the structure of the page now that you have navigated through it?
1.Very easy to navigate.
2. I like the structure and easy navigation.
3. I like the overall structure. The site is easy to navigate and organized.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being excellent, rate the overall structure of the website.
1. 7
2. 8
3. 9

Monday, December 3, 2012

Usability Test Questions (Blog Post 11-1)

Without clicking anything, how do you feel about the structure of the page when you first get to my page? 

How many clicks does it take to get to my Project 2?

What do you think is the best feature of the page?

The worst?

How do you feel about the structure of the page now that you have navigated through it?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being excellent, rate the overall structure of the website.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Blog Post 10

Yes, I plan to follow all the steps that are listed. When I was looking through them, I was trying to find one I disagreed with so I could write about how I was going to do everything else but that one. They are all components to a portfolio that everyone who makes a portfolio should have. 

I really like <img/> is everything. I check out a lot of graphic/web designers portfolio pages and I always prefer the ones that stick out. This is a really simple idea, no cycling images, just plain and simple structure,  but bold and brilliant color. I also really like portfolios that have an entry page. I didn't really see any in the list but those really appeal to me. It's a chance to make a simplistic page, that once you click "Enter", or whatever you choose, can morph around you, make crazy designs and then take you to the page. 

For the second type I talked about, I would need to learn what programs would be used to make an entry like that, then how to incorporate that into my HTML.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog Post #9 (but actually the 8th one)

My literacy narrative will be about my experiences with books and how much I loved to read when I was little. In order to share this story I will be telling my experiences from the beginning. Starting with the children's books my parents used to read to me, the books I learned to read with, my dad reading the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to me, staying up for hours with a flashlight to read the Harry Potter books over and over and over again, and wanting to read so bad during long car trips that I would get car sick and my parents would have to take the book away from me.

Blog Post 7

The people that reviewed by project all had similar things to say. They noticed how the audience was different for each ad because they dealt with Medicare, the Economy and general promotion or demotion of a candidate. Because my ads were really simple, they are designed to send a specific message and evoke a certain feeling. That is the underlying aspect of these ads that I will be trying to address.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blog Post #6

All ads are used for promoting or attacking a candidate. The context in which they are found differs.

Romney Ad #1

Used as Re-Targeting ad and published on http://mittromneycentral.com
Very basic ad used to send a simple message with a brief glance.

Obama Ad #1
Example of Re-Targeting Attack ad used as an example for a "Use of Attack Ads Debate"
Very basic ad used to send a simple message with a brief glance.

Romney Ad #2
A screengrab of a Spanish pro-Romney commercial that doubles as an ad that is being highlighted by The New Yorker's Political Scene, a political ad of the week showcase.
Screengrab of a commercial that appeals to the Spanish speaking audience.

Obama Ad #2
Used as an example of a political ad as part of a survey that asks "Do you change the channel when you see a political ad?"
Very basic ad used to send a simple message with a brief glance.

Romney Ad #3
A screengrab of a 30 second pro-Romney video being analyzed by The Columbus Dispatch.

Obama Ad #3
Screengrab of a video from Obama that suggest Romney would be the end to the Medicare promise.

Blog Post #5 Redo

When I did this blog before class last Tuesday, for some reason it didn't go through so I am rewriting it after the discussion in class to focus on the analysis as well as the structure.

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty web text analysis is well done in terms of organization and aesthetics. I like how the page is laid out with the web text that is being analyzed at the top so it is easy to navigate and you know what the analysis is about. The color scheme is appealing but the analysis describes what is happening with not much reason as to why and what effect it has.

The Life-Based Web Comics web text is a good idea but I believe it could have been been more effective. I like the idea of a comic style analysis to analyze comics but there is way too much text to keep it true to the comic form, which is what I think the author was going for. Even the last slide admits that there was a lot of text.

The Credit Unions web text analysis is a good layout, but the design elements could use some change. The text does not contrast well with the background and some parts of the text blend in with the hands. Another change could be background image on the navigation bar. The same image repeated gives it a weird effect. Perhaps staggering the same image to break that visual line of the image repeating or using different images would be helpful. The analysis is well done but I did find two typos of the same word, "rebated" is supposed to be "rebates". Perhaps it is the font but then it should still be changed.

I will be organizing my web text by hopefully finding a template that is close the the layout I desire. I plan on having a large menu bar on top, my 6 web texts spaced evenly under that as small thumbnails, when hovered over, it gives you a preview of the image, and when clicked, takes you to the full sized image of the web text with my analysis below. There will be a color scheme associated with each of the parties (red/blue).

Monday, September 24, 2012

4th Blog Post

For my Multimodal Analysis, I chose to delve into the world of retargeting ads for the upcoming presidential election. These are ads that gather information from your cookie cache to see what you have previously looked at. The majority of these ads are attack ads and are very simple, with only a few lines of text so when you scan over a website, you only have to briefly look at it to get the whole message. So now let's get started.

Below are links to the 6 ads that I found when looking for examples of retargeting ads. 3 pro-Romney ads and 3 anti-Romney ads.
Romney Ad #1

Obama Ad #1

Romney Ad #2

Obama Ad#2

Romney Ad #3

Obama Ad #3

Seeing as how the different organizations and who they are backing have different methods of trying to gather votes/support, it will be interesting to analyze it further to see why the majority of ads that I found for Romney are Pro-Romney and the majority of the ads for Obama are Anti-Romney.

3rd Blog Post

When I did all the tutorials I did not see the part about posting the answers to my blog. So this post is just to clarify where my responses went.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Yes, the things people go looking for on a website is so true. Information is what people go to school websites for, not to check the latest statement by the campus president.

I went to Brigham Young University to see if the XKCD diagram holds true.

Yep, full of campus slideshows including a "catchy original song" by a "talented group of BYU students".
 But it also has the functionality that WSU lacks. Most of the important information that is on the "what people look for on a website" is at the bottom of the page with other options to click if the info is not there.


Multimedia and multimodal essentially mean the same thing. From reading the text it looks like multimodal is the preferred terminology when dealing with DTC. A video that is accompanied by sound fits the description for both  multimedia and multimodal. Multimodal seems to be the newer "hip" term when dealing with this criteria. For example, when "multimodal" is typed, spell check underlines it and when you right-click to fix it, it offers the word "multimedia" in its place.

To Do answers 
Pg 3
Like any statement released by the White House, it is constructed carefully and cautiously to send the right message. An example is "...whatever assistance is needed as America will stand with Japan...". Instead of saying "as we will stand", "America" is used to give the reader a sense of belonging to something bigger and actually playing a part/

Pg 4
Fig 1.2 is designed with a solid blue background instead of an image which makes the profile look sleeker because there is nothing else to look at except the white bar and the green bar.

Fig 1.3 looks very personalized and calm. It looks like there is the silhouette of a tree on the left-hand side which is nice because its not over-powering. 

To me, Cheryl likes bold and powerful and Arola likes calm and cool. From the small images it looks like both are used professionally. I do not have a twitter profile.

Pg 5
When I clicked on the link I got a 404 not found.

Pg 6
Your eye is drawn to the middle bar which holds the only three images on the page. There is a bar at the top to pick your campus, picture bar in the middle to choose from Learning, Research, or Community, and a bar underneath the pictures which provide you with more options and a pop-down menu.
The homepage serves more as a directory to help you find out what you are looking for.
There is only 1 element to the page, the picture bar, which is in the center so swapping it would not achieve anything.

Pg 7
Giving Thanks to our Troops
Video would not load on Firefox or Chrome.